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Q: How can I make a payment for the product?
A: We offer several options to make payment. You can make payment through

  • PayU biz
  • Cash-on-delivery

Q: Is it safe to make payment through credit and debit card on this site?
A: Yes, our site is 100% safe and secure for making online transactions.

Q: Is there any hidden fee associated with the purchase?
A: No, there is no hidden fee.

Q: When will I Receive My Order?
A: We never guarantee to deliver an order with 2 to 3 days as shipping time usually depends on the time taken by the shipping agencies. However, we ensure that you will get your order within 4 to 6 business days.

Q: How do I know my order has been placed successfully or not?
A: Once your order is successfully placed, you will receive an email from Barcode Expert Solutions having all details related to your order.

Q: Can I return the product if I am not satisfied with the purchase?
A: Yes, we offer an option to refund to every customer. You can return the product within 30 days of receiving the product. But, make sure that the product remains in an unused and re-saleable condition.

Q: Will I get a 100% money-back after returning the product?
A: Yes, we offer 100% money back guarantee on our every product.

Q: What should I do if I will not receive my order within the expected delivery date?
A: We do our best to make sure that you will get your order within 4 to 5 business. It may possible that your product might be delayed due to some unfavorable condition. In such scenario, we will send you an email with a new delivery date.